
STX Transform Notes

I tries to transform xml with Joost(STX), but I found that sometimes the child nodes cannot be matched and transformed.
Finally I found the problem was tied with the XML namespace, and made the transform working in this way, please notice the prefix "myns" both in root node and child nodes:

Source XML:

<RootNode xmlns="http://.... " >

<stx:transform version="1.0"
xmlns:myns="http://www.../" >

<stx:template match="myns:RootNode">

<stx:template match="myns:ChildNode">

How to output new line in result xml in STX transform

I'm new to professional xml develop and boring the transformed result xml is always one large line those days.
Now I found the way out,

"<stx:text>&# xA;</stx:text>" is the solution!
(please remove the white space, google can not post xml code?)


发现 Foxmail 的一个逻辑 BUG

今天网络情况不咋样, 开个网页经常打不开.
用 Foxmail 一直收不到信.
一旦网络坏掉而没有成功收信, 下次收信时, foxmail会再次询问密码.

我认为这是一个很严重的逻辑问题, 应该在密码错误的情况下才应该询问密码, 而不是在网络出错的情况下.

I'm back

习惯了用雅虎邮箱来做一切事, 现在又回归到这个google帐号.